Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ok, so some people who know me think I need an intervention because I have been watching episodes of The Office every night with the Mr. (Honey, do you mind if I call you "The Mister"??) We have never really watched it and went ahead and downloaded the first 4 seasons (from Amazon) to the Tivo. Love that. Anywho, I've been waiting and waiting for Jim and Pam to get together. And waiting. Well, tonight I finally watched the last episode of Season 3 and YAY ~ it happened. So of course we had to watch one more. Which turned out to be 2 more since this is a '2-parter'. So who cares if I'm up until midnight and have to get up at 5:40 tomorrow?!?

Oh, and one more thing. I worked out tonight. Yep. 45 minutes on the treadmill. And I feel great. And I'm going to do this every night. ((Maybe if I post this very publicly it will help me continue)) I'm gonna lose this extra weight and I've been saying this for how long now? But this time will be different. I've done it before and I know I can do it again. Darn it!

Who's with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALRIGHT!!! I wish I could motivate to work out!!

I need to watch the whole Office...