Monday, July 28, 2008

Does this mean I'm old?

Went to my 20th class reunion this past weekend. Has it really been that long? I don't feel old.....

Aren't we a good looking group?!

It was really fun to see old friends and I look forward to our 25th. I was a little disappointed that more people weren't there as I graduated with about 310 people but oh well. I guess some people aren't into reunions. Too bad, it was a blast!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Maybe I should just say, "who cares?!" about the Packers when we have the Brewers rocking our the month of July. What fun to be a Brewer fan these days. CC was a great addition - hopefully he and Benny will lead us to the post season. It's been a LONG time! Go Brewers Go!

Monday, July 21, 2008


How much does a news anchor make per year?

What do you all think?

Because after reading an article on today I was floored at the amount I saw!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Will he stay or will he go?

So I am a cheesehead. Well, I usually don't admit that but I am - even though I'd never wear one! And I'll tell you, all of this Brett Favre stuff is enough to make anyone go crazy. Stop already!!! As much as I love Brett - yes, I shed tears when he announced his retirement - he is coming off as a little spoiled brat here!

I think that he, Ted, and maybe coach need to be locked in a room until they can figure stuff out and play nice.

Unfortunately I'm sure there is more to come in this already annoying story so stay tuned!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Strawberry Poppyseed Salad

Me thinks this is THE best summertime salad out there!

Lately I've made it with spinach and last time I even threw in some mandarin oranges. Yum!

Strawberry Poppyseed Salad

4 heads leaf/bib lettuce
1 C Monterey jack cheese cubed
6 oz toasted pecans
3 oz sunflower seeds
*strawberries* a good 2 cups or so

small white onion minced
1 1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup wine or white vinegar
2 tsp dried mustard
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 cups vegetable oil
2-3 tbs poppyseeds
whisk together, add right before serving

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where does the time go?

It is already July?! Come on! Where does the time go?

For me it has been a busy time adjusting to summer vacation. And, unfortunately, a sad time for me and my family as we lost my grandmother last Friday. On her 90th birthday. She has been in the hospital for a problem with her leg but death was not something anyone thought was on the horizon. Grandma - I love you and I miss you! Say hi to grandpa for me!!!