Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'll admit it

I love Neil Diamond. Really!!!

Oh yes, I have to also tell you that we're #1. Yes, Wisconsin ranks #1 when we are talking about people who admit to driving 'under the influence' 26.4% of people admitted to it compared to 15.1% nationally. Here is thestory.
And right after reading this story I am watching the news hearing about a horrible and devastating accident that happened last Friday afternoon as big thunderstorms were rolling through the area. A Cadillac Escalade completely crunched a Honda - as I saw the pictures I could not imagine anyone surviving. Killed were a 38 year old pregnant assistant high school principal and her 10 year old daughter. Her son survived and another child was in critical condition. The guy who hit her was taken to the hospital and then jail.

On Monday he was charged with homicide in their deaths - he was under the influence of prescription drugs at the time.
It just makes me sick and I want to cry every time I see it on the news. This man should NOT have been on the road. The consequences for earlier violations should have been more serious so he was in jail or off the road!!!

It isn't very Christian of me but at this moment I hope he rots in jail - and I hope it is painful for him.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

So I hope today that everyone (who doesn't read my blog) is doing their part to Save the Earth. I challenge all shoppers to purchse reusable bags and just say no to all of the plastic bags the stores now rely on. They are bad, bad, bad! If you must get a bag at the grocery store get paper - and recycle it for goodness sake!

I did keep the tv on tonight as I had to watch Idol. Syesha rocked the house and was definitely my favorite performance of the night. Hope she makes the cut!

And now, another letter to Mr. Yost, manager of the Brewers:

Dear Ned (part 2),

Apparently you didn't get my message yesterday. I asked you to please not put in Turnbow or Eric Gagne with the game on the line. You left Turbow on the pine but not Gagne. And again he blew it. Now I will agree that it is partially the fault of the infield because they didn't convert the double play BUT he still had 2 base runners. Maybe if the sports psych isn't available you can try some hypnosis because something has to give! Luckily the offense pulled it out in the 12th. I'm still a huge fan but am struggling to understand your logic. Let's get the 10 million dollar man going or it is going to be a long 180 games - and after today you may need to start thinking about the other 12 pitchers besides Gagne and Turnbow. Yikes. story


Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring has sprung!

Yay! Warm weather has finally decided to show up and stay a while. Over the weekend it was a splendid and sunny 74 degrees. It felt great to sit outside and enjoy it. Nice again today too.....only wish I had a window at work to enjoy it!

And now, an open letter to Ned Yost:

Dear Ned,

Derek Turnbow is not the pitcher you want to bring in when the game is on the line. He proved that over and over again last year. Tonight he proved it again. Please, I beg of you, put someone else in. You have a deep bullpen so I'm sure you could find someone. Oh, and you might want to stay away from Gagne as well. Maybe a sports psychologist in the bullpen would help out.



Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spri-ing.....Where are you?

The weatherpeople say spring is coming, but I'll believe it when I see it.

After 100 inches of snow this winter and a weekend with windchills in the 20s I'm ready for warm. Heck, I'll take luke-warm and sun at this point. Supposed to hit 60 this week. YAY!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Got curry?

Chicken curry (ala Jami):

1) Skinless Chicken thighs (6 pcs.)
2) Cubed potatoes (optional)
3) Vegetable oil : 3-4 tablespoons
4) Powder chili pepper (1 teaspoon)
5) Turmeric ( 1 teaspoon)
6) Coriander powder ( 2 teaspoons)
7) Cumin powder ( 2 teaspoons)
8) Paprika (2 teaspoons)
9) Crushed or minced garlic and ginger ( can also use powder) ( 1 teaspoon each)
10) Onion (2 medium sizes) sliced.
11) 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (optional)
12) Fresh cilantro chopped. ( ½ cup)
13) 1 teaspoon salt.

Preparation: Add oil and onions in a deep pan or pot. On medium heat, sauté the onions. Add salt and all the spices. Cook a bit longer until the onions become clear. Add chicken to the mix. Stir well. Add the cubed potatoes, and mix some more. Cover and cook for 15 mins. Add half cup of hot water, stir and cover again. Cook for 35-40 mins. Check frequently. Check the chicken with a fork for tenderness. Add chopped cilantro, cover and turn the stove off. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with white rice or pita bread. Plain yogurt and sliced cucumber make excellent condiment.

*this is spicy, so cut down on the chili powder if you don't like a bite

And to John - glad to hear things went well. Hope you get home soon!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A shout out... John. Good luck with the reversal surgery tomorrow!!! Looking forward to hearing everything went well. my hubby for his generous donation to Idol gives back! You rock!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A vote for school uniforms here!

So I frequent the TwoPeas message board. Never a dull moment on the NSBR board! And today a particular post really irked me.

A mother posted that she bought her 7th grade son a shirt that said "Bikini Patrol: CPR Expert" and he wore it to school at which time his PE teacher threatened him with a detention if she saw it again - or something like that. You get the picture.

Now first off, I cannot even IMAGINE buying my kid a shirt like this but then giving him your blessing as he goes out the door to school? You have to be kidding me! And there were women defending this.

WOW. Just wow. This is just another thing that is wrong with kids (and parents?) today. I can't stand to see them in the store and I honestly can't believe a parent would willingly buy one for their kid. Teachers have enough problems to deal with on a daily basis, can we not have to deal with the distractions and reactions with these shirts? Please?!

I'm thinking school uniforms for everyone. Let's not forget a belt requirement so sagging is no longer an issue either.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I can't say I'm a big fan of Mondays. They always come too fast!

Today I'm going to post a few random thoughts...

Random thought #1: It's fun to be a Brewer fan again. Been some long, lean years but things are exciting at Miller Park. What a great series against San Fran capped off by a complete game shut-out by Ben Sheets. How awesome is that?!

Random thought #2: Will have to wait since a certain little girl needs my attention....maybe, now that I'm back, my new thought needs to be 3 year olds don't wait for nobody!

Random thought #3: I will be watching the NCAA championship game. My hubby won't be. I love college hoops. He doesn't. That's just funny to me.

Random thought #4: It never gets warm enough, long enough, soon enough. It was very nice this weekend ~ around 60. This afternoon the windchills must have been low 30s. When is spring really going to come - and stay?!

Random thought #5: Some people just don't get it. I don't know why. Doesn't matter how much you try, how much others try or how many times you bang your head against the wall (while wishing it was that other person) it just isn't going to happen. Get over it already.

Random thought #6: I love HDTV. Enough said?!

Random thought #7: Frozen custard is yummy. Very, very yummy. Especially when the weather is warm. But since it isn't yet I suppose I shouldn't think about it, now should I?!

Random thought #8: What's up with calling people "dawg"? Does it mean you are cool if someone calls you "dawg"? Because one of my students called me "Dawg"today and I wasn't barking or anything, so I'll take it as a positive thing?!??!?!??!?! Teenagers are strange!

Random thought #9: I'm tired. I never go to bed early enough. Why not? Who knows. Always something to do. But I have to work on that, I really do. I can't wait for summer vacation and no 5:40 alarm every day.

Random thought #10: I need a treat. That custard talk did it. I actually have some in the freezer (thanks, Dad). Not like I need it. I really don't need it I need it like I need a hole in my head. What I *need* to do is drop this 25 pounds that have been hanging around since child birth. Ok, maybe I'll just have some strawberries while I watch the game.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thank goodness for Puffs Plus!

I have been very lucky this winter - I have not caught the nasty flu bug that went around and around and around. But now I have this cold. And it seems to be never-ending. I'm really no better today than I was on Monday. I've probably gone through 2 boxes of Puffs Plus. My nose won't stop running, it won't un-stuff, and the cough is a nice added bonus, don't you think?! NOT!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yellow Roses

My husband is the greatest. Today is the 10 year anniversary of when we first met. He stopped at work and surprised me with a dozen yellow roses (along with a card that made me cry). How sweet is that?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Common sense prevails

The people in the 6th district in Milwaukee, WI finally got it right. They did not re-elect their alderman who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months. Boggles my mind that 40% of the voters still cast their vote for him, but luckily for the residents in their district they do not matter.

Maybe it is a good thing that voter turnout was light - the people who voted were informed and had a purpose, and that probably helped defeat him.

Election Day

And they say only 20% turnout is expected.

I find it funny that so many people whine about the government (local or federal) but they don't vote. Uhhh..DUH!

In our state we even have an alderman running for re-election from jail. And he may well win. Now that is sad.

Go vote already!