Monday, April 7, 2008


I can't say I'm a big fan of Mondays. They always come too fast!

Today I'm going to post a few random thoughts...

Random thought #1: It's fun to be a Brewer fan again. Been some long, lean years but things are exciting at Miller Park. What a great series against San Fran capped off by a complete game shut-out by Ben Sheets. How awesome is that?!

Random thought #2: Will have to wait since a certain little girl needs my attention....maybe, now that I'm back, my new thought needs to be 3 year olds don't wait for nobody!

Random thought #3: I will be watching the NCAA championship game. My hubby won't be. I love college hoops. He doesn't. That's just funny to me.

Random thought #4: It never gets warm enough, long enough, soon enough. It was very nice this weekend ~ around 60. This afternoon the windchills must have been low 30s. When is spring really going to come - and stay?!

Random thought #5: Some people just don't get it. I don't know why. Doesn't matter how much you try, how much others try or how many times you bang your head against the wall (while wishing it was that other person) it just isn't going to happen. Get over it already.

Random thought #6: I love HDTV. Enough said?!

Random thought #7: Frozen custard is yummy. Very, very yummy. Especially when the weather is warm. But since it isn't yet I suppose I shouldn't think about it, now should I?!

Random thought #8: What's up with calling people "dawg"? Does it mean you are cool if someone calls you "dawg"? Because one of my students called me "Dawg"today and I wasn't barking or anything, so I'll take it as a positive thing?!??!?!??!?! Teenagers are strange!

Random thought #9: I'm tired. I never go to bed early enough. Why not? Who knows. Always something to do. But I have to work on that, I really do. I can't wait for summer vacation and no 5:40 alarm every day.

Random thought #10: I need a treat. That custard talk did it. I actually have some in the freezer (thanks, Dad). Not like I need it. I really don't need it I need it like I need a hole in my head. What I *need* to do is drop this 25 pounds that have been hanging around since child birth. Ok, maybe I'll just have some strawberries while I watch the game.

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