Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A vote for school uniforms here!

So I frequent the TwoPeas message board. Never a dull moment on the NSBR board! And today a particular post really irked me.

A mother posted that she bought her 7th grade son a shirt that said "Bikini Patrol: CPR Expert" and he wore it to school at which time his PE teacher threatened him with a detention if she saw it again - or something like that. You get the picture.

Now first off, I cannot even IMAGINE buying my kid a shirt like this but then giving him your blessing as he goes out the door to school? You have to be kidding me! And there were women defending this.

WOW. Just wow. This is just another thing that is wrong with kids (and parents?) today. I can't stand to see them in the store and I honestly can't believe a parent would willingly buy one for their kid. Teachers have enough problems to deal with on a daily basis, can we not have to deal with the distractions and reactions with these shirts? Please?!

I'm thinking school uniforms for everyone. Let's not forget a belt requirement so sagging is no longer an issue either.

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