Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ok, so I asked for it - I have to since I have low-traffic flow here (my life and thoughts are Boooooooooooring). Ha. Ok, some of that is totally by choice.
But on twopeas I saw a post asking who wanted to be tagged, so I said sure.

Here's the skinny - cut and pasted from wholarmor's blog (how the hell am I going to tag 6 people? This game of tag may end - FAST)

Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write six random things about yourself.
3. Tag six people at the end of your post.
4. If you are tagged, JUST DO IT, and pass the tag

So.....6 random things about me. This will be exciting!

1. I am a diet coke fiend. Every so often I give it up. For a day or two, maybe a week....then I'm back.

2. I would love to go to bed every night by 9 PM. Ain't ever gonna happen, but I can wish.

3. I have not bought a music CD since I can't tell you. Seriously. It's been a good 3 years at least!

4. I've recently been really getting into Facebook. I was never part of the "old" facebook, so I don't really know how much the new one sucks.

5. I love to watch House Hunters.

6. I am a sports freak. I LOVE sports. Especially my hometown teams: Brewers, Packers, Bucks, Badgers.......I probably get more into sports than my hubby! I'd watch every NFL game - just because I really love football. the tricky part. Who to tag. Can I just tag whoever reads this? Cuz I know it ain't many :-) But hopefully these people will see this at some point and play along!
1. Jody
2. Lisa
3. Lawanda
4. Fran

oh heck, I'm going to have to let some more people know I actually have a blog! :-)

I'm also going to come back to link some of what I wrote - I always forget how so have to check again. ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I recently did this on one of my sites. One of my random facts was that I despise Facebook! LOL I just canNOT get into it. I just use Kevin's account, and keep up with his sister and my cousin on there. haha

Thanks for tagging me!!! :)