Monday, September 29, 2008

The strange thing is..... everyone was talking about the Brewers and nobody was talking about the Packers. Now that is something that never happens. I need to head to the mall to get me a playoff t-shirt. I will not be my brother and wear the same "I think it's lucky" shirt until their season is done!

Oh, and here is some information in case you are ever in the area and getting custard at Kopps. If you get a pint to go, make sure it is FRESHLY packed. Because if it is pre-packed, you get no "guts. Case in point.....I had NO Oreo pieces in my scoop from the pint that hubby brought home. NOT ONE. That should be illegal! I wat Oreos in my cookies and cream custard, darnit! Ok, that's enough now!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Very much a crime to leave out the Oreos! Kind of like when DH left out the shrimp in my stir fry the other day. Every other family member got shrimp- except me. I had to get up and get some myself. :P ;)

Okay. You've been tagged! Have fun!