Friday, August 15, 2008

7 down, one to go!

You can't tell on the replays, but Michael Phelps did it. I'm not sure how he pulled that one out but he did and now we wait for tomorrow to see #8.


There was a protest but it was denied after the Omega people looked at the overhead cameras and determined Phelps did out-touch Milorad Cavic of Serbia. Now please tell me how in the world you can see .01 on an overhead camera?!?!

Can't wait to see the Medley Relay tomorrow....US has to be a pretty big favorite. Will be so exciting! I hope everybody is watching ~ this is history and may never happen again!

Another pretty big swimming moment was Janet Evans' 800 M freestyle record going down - it's been there for 18 years!

And then there is Dara Torres. She is amazing. Just amazing! 41 years old and it is very likely she will win a gold medal.

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