Monday, November 24, 2008

Random thoughts for today...

....the Packers really did NOT look good tonight, especially in the second half. Ugh. Why can't I detach myself and not get so worked up? Ugh again

...I have turkey on the brain. And stuffing. And cranberries. And pie...

...I only have one more full day of work for the week. Yahoo!

...we had snow today. First snow of the season that "stuck" to the ground. Very pretty, but a bit sloppy this morning.

...I don't get enough sleep. Yet here I sit at 10:37 watching the rest of the Packer game that does not matter (and blogging, of course).

...I *love* Facebook! It is so fun catching up with old friends from high school and see where everyone is in their lives.

...I had to THROW OUT over half a pan of chicken lasagna today. I left it on the stove to cool before putting it in the fridge last night. It was still sitting there this morning. My husband called me at work to let me know. Grrr.

...I'm going to add some candied almonds and pecans to my Christmas gift list this year.

...why is everyone I hear from lately so into CANNED cranberry sauce? Hello people - fresh cranberries are where it is at. Are you afraid to make them? Buy a bag, add some water and cook over medium heat. Add sugar to taste. You are good to go. If you want them smooth you can put them through a mill - mine is ancient as I got it from my grandma (so I can't tell you where to get one). Try them ~ you'll like them, I promise! 4 year old is obsessed with "Dancing with the Stars". It isn't even funny how into it she is. She was VERY disappointed that the Packers were on ABC here tonight.

...I read an article about a kid getting arrested at school for "passing gas" and turning off someone else's computer. Seriously?! Because I can barely get a kid arrested for punching another kid in the face. On purpose. I keep air fresheners in my room at school since 90% of my students are boys and they like to fart!

How's that for random?!


Anonymous said...

LOL @ the boys!!

I just cannot get into facebook. I have a myspace, but I use my dh facebook to see pics of my sil! LOL

Lisadwb said...

LOL- the boys- so true.
I am so into the canned cranberries- gel kind, but only with my stuffing. LOL
Packers, well I gave up on them a couple of seasons ago, but I still love the packers- Vikings games!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!