Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Who'd have thought that the thanks I'd get for teaching would come from a fast-food chain?! Chipotle, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, was again giving free burritos to educators. Sweet! Line was out the door and we weren't really planning on eating out but what the heck. Any excuse not to cook, right?!?! And since their burritos are king-sized I can have dinner on them tomorrow also. Cewl.

And for dessert? Gummi bears. Courtesy of my hubby. Yes, Mr. Deal (I challenge anyone to find more deals than he does) found one he couldn't resist - 5 lbs of gummi bears, 5 lbs of coke bottle gummies and another 6.5 punds of black licorice tasting gummies (can't remember what they are called). Can you say stomach ache? Good thing I don't like cola, black licorice, or green gummies!

Idol fans: Castro has to go this week, he just does!

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