Friday, May 9, 2008


Only 5 more Fridays of work! One of those is a half-day and one is the last day - teacher workday where usually everything is pretty much done and we just putter around doing those last minute things and packing up for summer - which always seems strange to me but that is another topic for another day.

It is supposed to be spring. We are 1/3 of the way through May. But there are frost warnings for tonight. What is wrong with this? Sunday is supposed to be rainy and in the high 40s. Happy Mother's Day! Seems like it might be a great day to just snuggle in bed with a good book!

And I do have another letter for Ned Yost:
Dear Ned,
I hope you guys win a game soon or I'm afraid they might start coming for you. I've heard that is one reason they brought Ted Simmons in as bench coach - so if there were problems he'd be an easy choice for promotion. 6 games in a row is too long for a losing streak!

Happy weekend to one and all!

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