Saturday, December 20, 2008

If you have kids..... your kids like to watch the same thing over and over and over and over and over?! I mean, I love Mary Poppins and all, but PUH-LEEZE ~ we've watched it 4x (in a row and there when she gets her little bit of TV) and she wants to watch it AGAIN. ugh.


Anonymous said...

OMGOODNESS YES!!! I remember being SO SICK of Toy Story when it first came out!!

And my Raechel (4 yo) found our Aladdin tape and has been watching it OVER AND OVER!!

It doesn't bother me mostly, but after a while I have to suggest another movie or something! LOL

Hey at least we get our moneys worth out of the dvds and videos, right?! hahah

Helena said...

Oh yes. I'm sure that's pretty standard! We couldn't do it when we were young, because we didn't have videos!