But I said, "Sure honey, show me how to make a pen!" We started a few weeks ago and cut the wood in 2 pieces and drilled the hole. Well, that was hard b/c we didn't have what we needed to do so and the hole was a bit off-center but workable.
DH bought whatever it was he needed to use with the drill press - the name escapes this wood-working novice - and he drilled the other hole.
Last Friday he took off of work, the 4 year old was at Grandma's for the afternon, so........we got to some pen-making. The fun part was when it finally got on the lathe! For a project that should maybe take an hour it took me/us longer but it was our first time!
And....drum roll please.......here is the final product:
What do you all think? I'm proud of it. I didn't do it all myself, DH helped a good deal, but I'd say I did a good 60% myself. I'm sure it will get easier when I do the next one ...... gotta get going if everyone is going to get a pen for Christmas! *ha*
Thanks for making me do it, honey!
Oh my!! Girl, you are a talented pen maker!! That is so cool. Those would be perfect Christmas gifts!!
How cool Lynn! My dh would love it if I took up wood working too! That is his hobby though! :-p
Wow! That's pretty cool!
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