Well, less than an hour until 2009. What a year it has been. Many ups and downs for us, but we are ending on an up note and I can only hope and pray for a happy and very healthy year ahead not only for my family but for everyone.
And for the resolutions? Last few years I haven't really made any - why bother since I always blow it pretty much immediately...... But this year I'm getting my butt into shape - really I am! How can I not now that I've put it out there for everyone to see?! ha.
And how about a resolution to post a comment if you stop by? I have to do that, too, with the blogs I read!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Major delish!!!
So we are staying in this New Year's Eve and I wanted to make something scrumptious for supper. Jackpot!!!!! I searched allrecipes.com and found this: Creamy Pesto Shrimp
This was sooooooooooooo good. Of course the battery in my camera is dead so I couldn't post a picture of the final product but seriously, try this soon!!!
It is not low cal/ low fat but is totally worth it.
* 1 pound linguine pasta
* 1/2 cup butter
* 2 cups heavy cream
* 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
* 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
* 1/3 cup pesto
* 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add linguine pasta, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
2. In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Stir in cream, and season with pepper. Cook 6 to 8 minutes, stirring constantly.
3. Stir Parmesan cheese into cream sauce, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Blend in the pesto, and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until thickened.
4. Stir in the shrimp, and cook until they turn pink, about 5 minutes. Serve over the hot linguine.
I did use mostly half and half instead of heavy cream. Next time I'll add some fresh mushrooms and tomatoes. Delicious!
SUBMITTED BY: Loretta Buffa -- have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks for this recipe, Loretta.
We also had BACON WRAPPED SCALLOPS. Yum again. I went ahead and bought a few big scallops, precooked the bacon just a teeny bit, and broiled them - just drizzled a little olive oil on them and seasoned with salt and pepper. I didn't get them done early enough to have as an appetizer so we each had a couple with our pesto shrimp.
In the crockpot I have some chicken wings cooking and they smell great. I'll post that recipe later. Guess the buffalo chicken dip will have to wait until tomorrow!
This was sooooooooooooo good. Of course the battery in my camera is dead so I couldn't post a picture of the final product but seriously, try this soon!!!
It is not low cal/ low fat but is totally worth it.
* 1 pound linguine pasta
* 1/2 cup butter
* 2 cups heavy cream
* 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
* 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
* 1/3 cup pesto
* 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add linguine pasta, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
2. In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Stir in cream, and season with pepper. Cook 6 to 8 minutes, stirring constantly.
3. Stir Parmesan cheese into cream sauce, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Blend in the pesto, and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until thickened.
4. Stir in the shrimp, and cook until they turn pink, about 5 minutes. Serve over the hot linguine.
I did use mostly half and half instead of heavy cream. Next time I'll add some fresh mushrooms and tomatoes. Delicious!
SUBMITTED BY: Loretta Buffa -- have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks for this recipe, Loretta.
We also had BACON WRAPPED SCALLOPS. Yum again. I went ahead and bought a few big scallops, precooked the bacon just a teeny bit, and broiled them - just drizzled a little olive oil on them and seasoned with salt and pepper. I didn't get them done early enough to have as an appetizer so we each had a couple with our pesto shrimp.
In the crockpot I have some chicken wings cooking and they smell great. I'll post that recipe later. Guess the buffalo chicken dip will have to wait until tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Where does the time go?
How did it happen that there is only one more day of 2008?!?!?!?!?! Wow - does time fly, even when you aren't having fun.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Don't you love it when...
...you find the perfect gift by accident?!
I did today - found a gift for my hubby. I think he is going to like it. It is something I had kind of thought about but in a different way, if that makes sense. It wasn't something I was planning on getting, but when I saw it was like, "that's it!" I sure hope he likes it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did today - found a gift for my hubby. I think he is going to like it. It is something I had kind of thought about but in a different way, if that makes sense. It wasn't something I was planning on getting, but when I saw it was like, "that's it!" I sure hope he likes it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
So it not only looks like Christmas, it feels like we are actually at the North Pole!
holy cow!!!!! It's cold out!!! -10 when we went to church, -7 on the way home. I have things to do but no way am I going out again today. Going to do some cut-out cookies (pre-made dough, sorry) and when Katwoman goes down for a nap I'm going to start a big pot of spaghetti sauce with meatballs for dinner. Mmmmmmm.
And just for fun, there is a potential of 9-18 more inches Tuesday through Wednesday...the fun never ends :-)
And just for fun, there is a potential of 9-18 more inches Tuesday through Wednesday...the fun never ends :-)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
If you have kids.....
...do your kids like to watch the same thing over and over and over and over and over?! I mean, I love Mary Poppins and all, but PUH-LEEZE ~ we've watched it 4x (in a row .......here and there when she gets her little bit of TV) and she wants to watch it AGAIN. ugh.
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas!
Ah, yes. I know this post means nothing without pictures but I didn't get them off the camera yet. We got 13 inches - yes, count em - 13 inches of snow! So I got my snow day. YAY. And, I'm feeling better (of course it is 10:30 at night) so it's all good. We are supposed to get another 2-5 inches Saturday night into Sunday and then of course windchills will be -20 to -40 (of course I still have some shopping to do - ugh) and then we are looking at another storm Tuesday night into Christmas Eve. Yes, this is weather watch on the blog but when you live in WI winter, one talks about the weather. A LOT :-)
So ya, nothing else too exciting. I'm still behind in my goodie making but oh well. I just don't really care anymore. Merry Merry!!!
So ya, nothing else too exciting. I'm still behind in my goodie making but oh well. I just don't really care anymore. Merry Merry!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This woman just amazes me......how dumb can you be? Ah, elected officials continue to give Milwaukee a bad name. And like MPS isn't screwed up enough?!
Charlene Hardin should be removed but she won't because this is Milwaukee we are talking about
So on to other important thoughts.....the biggie for the day: being sick SUCKS. Poor Katwoman got the flu. It wasn't pretty and I was home for a day from work. Today I have it, but not as bad. Came home an hour early to sleep and hope I can only hope it is gone tomorrow. I have way too much to do; don't have time for this!!!I guess the only good I can say about it is that it is out of the way before Christmas.
And now, a request: please do your best snow day dance for me! Please?!
I know, I know, as a teacher I should never want a snow day but: seeing as we are supposed to get up to a foot, and seeing as it is the last day before our 2 week Christmas break so it is going to be wild anyway, and seeing as I'm not feeling very well I think it would be best if I just stayed home - don't you?!
Charlene Hardin should be removed but she won't because this is Milwaukee we are talking about
So on to other important thoughts.....the biggie for the day: being sick SUCKS. Poor Katwoman got the flu. It wasn't pretty and I was home for a day from work. Today I have it, but not as bad. Came home an hour early to sleep and hope I can only hope it is gone tomorrow. I have way too much to do; don't have time for this!!!I guess the only good I can say about it is that it is out of the way before Christmas.
And now, a request: please do your best snow day dance for me! Please?!
I know, I know, as a teacher I should never want a snow day but: seeing as we are supposed to get up to a foot, and seeing as it is the last day before our 2 week Christmas break so it is going to be wild anyway, and seeing as I'm not feeling very well I think it would be best if I just stayed home - don't you?!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Go to the movies!
See Slumdog Millionaire. AWESOME flick. Seriously. You will love it. We had free tix to a screening tonight (thanks honey) and I have to say...loved it!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Is she really only 4?!
My kid is playing. She is having a party. She told me I was invited. She just came over to ask me my name. She had her list. I gave her my name. She checked her list. She told me, "NO MOM'S ALLOWED!!!" She finally did cave and tell me I could stay in the parent party room. :-)
I thought 4 year olds still wanted their mommies! I feel so abandoned!
I thought 4 year olds still wanted their mommies! I feel so abandoned!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Another request for prayers....
I just found out a friend from high school was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She has young children at home and has a lot on her plate with everything else going on at this time of year. It sounds like it may be as good as it can be when you say Cancer so that is encouraging.
But anyway, please keep Sue in your prayers.
But anyway, please keep Sue in your prayers.
Please Pray
For over a year now I've been following a blog written by Shawndra Turner, a young mother fighting a very rare form of colon cancer. She is strong and inspirational - and needs our help. She landed back in the hospital and according to the blog the surgeon told her there is nothing else that can be done and suggested calling hospice.
Please pray for Shawndra, her husband, her little girl, and their entire family - that they have the strength and comfort at this difficult time.
You can read Shawndra's story here shawndraturner.blogspot.com
Thank you!
Please pray for Shawndra, her husband, her little girl, and their entire family - that they have the strength and comfort at this difficult time.
You can read Shawndra's story here shawndraturner.blogspot.com
Thank you!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Bedtime Delay Tactic #123
Me: "Kitty, you need to hurry up, we have to get to bed!"
Her: "Momma, don't rush me, I just want to spend time with you!!!"
Me: "We just spent all night together"
Her: "Momma, I don't want to hear about it, be nice!"
Ahhhhh. 4 year olds are fun! Seriously. Love spending time with my sweetie even when we've been together shopping, getting our hair cut, eating dinner, watching Charlie Brown's Christmas, and getting ready for bed.
Her: "Momma, don't rush me, I just want to spend time with you!!!"
Me: "We just spent all night together"
Her: "Momma, I don't want to hear about it, be nice!"
Ahhhhh. 4 year olds are fun! Seriously. Love spending time with my sweetie even when we've been together shopping, getting our hair cut, eating dinner, watching Charlie Brown's Christmas, and getting ready for bed.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tis the Season!
It's been a while since I've updated this blog. Hard to find time with so much going on - hosting Thanksgiving, working, being Momma (and wife), getting ready for Christmas.....Yes, Christmas!!! How can that be?! Wasn't in just summer yesterday?!
Well, even if it was it is now Winter in Wisconsin and we have the snow to prove it! December 1st - just like last year - was our first significant snowfall and we've had more since. And on Tuesday into Wednesday they are predicting 6-12 inches. Could anyone who comes to read this blog please do a snow dance for me and pray that we get a good 6 or more inches starting around 2-3 AM?! Can you say SNOW DAY?! Ok, it likely won't happen BUT one can wish!!
And really, I don't mind the snow. I mind the people who drive like idiots even though we live in WI and get snow every year. HELLO! Slow down, put your lights on, and don't follow so close to me! Yes, snow is much better than cold, and we've had that lately. Brrr.
So cold was it that I had the opportunity to go to the Packer game at Lambeau today but didn't go. But I will put out there that I wanted to go, even though I knew it would be cold. But my husband is just too darn practical and said, "Let's not go since it is going to be so cold, Packers are only mediocre, and we have just too much to do." Ok, so we didn't go. And really that was good. I did have a lot to do and did get a lot done!
One thing I did - make a few batches of fudge. Easiest ever. And fast.
Here is the recipe (and I may have posted this before but oh well)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 cups chips (whatever flavor you like - or use a combination)
1 tsp vanilla (or other extract like mint)
**can also add nuts and marshmallows, too!
Melt over low heat and pour into a foil lined, buttered 8x8 pan. refrigerate (or freeze) until firm. Cut into small squares and keep refrigerated (or frozen) in an airtight container. This fudge makes a great Christmas gift - and a little goes a long way.
Now, if you really want to get fancy, use a cake pan and put a foil covered (or saran wrap) can in the middle. Pour the fudge in to make a pretty fudge wreath!!! You can add some candied red/green cherries for decoration but you have to do it right away! I got this idea from Rachel Ray's magazine a couple of years ago. They are really cute!
Other goodies I like to make for Christmas
Pretzel Turtles
Snap pretzels
Rolo candies
Pecans (Toast ahead of time in oven)
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Put a rolo on each pretzel and cook for about 3 minutes at 300. Remove from oven and 'squish' a pecan on top of the melted caramel. Cool. (works well to chill in fridge or garage if you are in a cold state like me). Can drizzle chocolate over pecan for decoration.
These are pretty easy - the "putzy" part is unwrapping the rolos!!!
You can also dip pretzel rods in chocolate or make "Snowballs" or "Oreo balls"
Oreo balls or "Snowballs"
1 pkg oreo cookies
1 pkg cream cheese
Combine both in food processor. Form into small balls and chill. When firm dip in melted white chocolate and chill again. These are SOOOO good and are addictive, so you might want to double the recipe right away :-) The are good dipped in milk or dark chocolate also. Make sure to use parchment paper and have a good double boiler for melting your chocolate. (make sure to add a little butter or shortening to your chocolate when you are dipping!)
Finally, if you like Girl Scout cookies (think Thin Mints) here is an easy fix that really tastes like a mint cookie! Melt chocolate and add MINT extract - you can also use some of the mint flavored chips that are out there. Dip RITZ crackers into the mint chocolate and cool on parchment paper. I was doubtful about these when I heard about them but they are really yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! Try them!
More you say? You can always do the chow mein noodle crunchy chocolate clusters (whatever you call them) and you could do chocolate covered peanut or cashew clusters as well. Yum!
This year I'm also going to try making some candied nuts and I also took a recipe posted on Twopeas for a type of chex mix - toffee flavor. Sounded yummy so I'll give it a go and report back.
If you have any favorite (and easy) candy recipes let me know. Always good to try new things!
PS-They are now saying only 3-6 inches of snow on Tuesday. How depressing. I'm ready for the big storm! :-)
Well, even if it was it is now Winter in Wisconsin and we have the snow to prove it! December 1st - just like last year - was our first significant snowfall and we've had more since. And on Tuesday into Wednesday they are predicting 6-12 inches. Could anyone who comes to read this blog please do a snow dance for me and pray that we get a good 6 or more inches starting around 2-3 AM?! Can you say SNOW DAY?! Ok, it likely won't happen BUT one can wish!!
And really, I don't mind the snow. I mind the people who drive like idiots even though we live in WI and get snow every year. HELLO! Slow down, put your lights on, and don't follow so close to me! Yes, snow is much better than cold, and we've had that lately. Brrr.
So cold was it that I had the opportunity to go to the Packer game at Lambeau today but didn't go. But I will put out there that I wanted to go, even though I knew it would be cold. But my husband is just too darn practical and said, "Let's not go since it is going to be so cold, Packers are only mediocre, and we have just too much to do." Ok, so we didn't go. And really that was good. I did have a lot to do and did get a lot done!
One thing I did - make a few batches of fudge. Easiest ever. And fast.
Here is the recipe (and I may have posted this before but oh well)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 cups chips (whatever flavor you like - or use a combination)
1 tsp vanilla (or other extract like mint)
**can also add nuts and marshmallows, too!
Melt over low heat and pour into a foil lined, buttered 8x8 pan. refrigerate (or freeze) until firm. Cut into small squares and keep refrigerated (or frozen) in an airtight container. This fudge makes a great Christmas gift - and a little goes a long way.
Now, if you really want to get fancy, use a cake pan and put a foil covered (or saran wrap) can in the middle. Pour the fudge in to make a pretty fudge wreath!!! You can add some candied red/green cherries for decoration but you have to do it right away! I got this idea from Rachel Ray's magazine a couple of years ago. They are really cute!
Other goodies I like to make for Christmas
Pretzel Turtles
Snap pretzels
Rolo candies
Pecans (Toast ahead of time in oven)
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Put a rolo on each pretzel and cook for about 3 minutes at 300. Remove from oven and 'squish' a pecan on top of the melted caramel. Cool. (works well to chill in fridge or garage if you are in a cold state like me). Can drizzle chocolate over pecan for decoration.
These are pretty easy - the "putzy" part is unwrapping the rolos!!!
You can also dip pretzel rods in chocolate or make "Snowballs" or "Oreo balls"
Oreo balls or "Snowballs"
1 pkg oreo cookies
1 pkg cream cheese
Combine both in food processor. Form into small balls and chill. When firm dip in melted white chocolate and chill again. These are SOOOO good and are addictive, so you might want to double the recipe right away :-) The are good dipped in milk or dark chocolate also. Make sure to use parchment paper and have a good double boiler for melting your chocolate. (make sure to add a little butter or shortening to your chocolate when you are dipping!)
Finally, if you like Girl Scout cookies (think Thin Mints) here is an easy fix that really tastes like a mint cookie! Melt chocolate and add MINT extract - you can also use some of the mint flavored chips that are out there. Dip RITZ crackers into the mint chocolate and cool on parchment paper. I was doubtful about these when I heard about them but they are really yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! Try them!
More you say? You can always do the chow mein noodle crunchy chocolate clusters (whatever you call them) and you could do chocolate covered peanut or cashew clusters as well. Yum!
This year I'm also going to try making some candied nuts and I also took a recipe posted on Twopeas for a type of chex mix - toffee flavor. Sounded yummy so I'll give it a go and report back.
If you have any favorite (and easy) candy recipes let me know. Always good to try new things!
PS-They are now saying only 3-6 inches of snow on Tuesday. How depressing. I'm ready for the big storm! :-)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Random thoughts for today...
....the Packers really did NOT look good tonight, especially in the second half. Ugh. Why can't I detach myself and not get so worked up? Ugh again
...I have turkey on the brain. And stuffing. And cranberries. And pie...
...I only have one more full day of work for the week. Yahoo!
...we had snow today. First snow of the season that "stuck" to the ground. Very pretty, but a bit sloppy this morning.
...I don't get enough sleep. Yet here I sit at 10:37 watching the rest of the Packer game that does not matter (and blogging, of course).
...I *love* Facebook! It is so fun catching up with old friends from high school and see where everyone is in their lives.
...I had to THROW OUT over half a pan of chicken lasagna today. I left it on the stove to cool before putting it in the fridge last night. It was still sitting there this morning. My husband called me at work to let me know. Grrr.
...I'm going to add some candied almonds and pecans to my Christmas gift list this year.
...why is everyone I hear from lately so into CANNED cranberry sauce? Hello people - fresh cranberries are where it is at. Are you afraid to make them? Buy a bag, add some water and cook over medium heat. Add sugar to taste. You are good to go. If you want them smooth you can put them through a mill - mine is ancient as I got it from my grandma (so I can't tell you where to get one). Try them ~ you'll like them, I promise!
...my 4 year old is obsessed with "Dancing with the Stars". It isn't even funny how into it she is. She was VERY disappointed that the Packers were on ABC here tonight.
...I read an article about a kid getting arrested at school for "passing gas" and turning off someone else's computer. Seriously?! Because I can barely get a kid arrested for punching another kid in the face. On purpose. I keep air fresheners in my room at school since 90% of my students are boys and they like to fart!
How's that for random?!
...I have turkey on the brain. And stuffing. And cranberries. And pie...
...I only have one more full day of work for the week. Yahoo!
...we had snow today. First snow of the season that "stuck" to the ground. Very pretty, but a bit sloppy this morning.
...I don't get enough sleep. Yet here I sit at 10:37 watching the rest of the Packer game that does not matter (and blogging, of course).
...I *love* Facebook! It is so fun catching up with old friends from high school and see where everyone is in their lives.
...I had to THROW OUT over half a pan of chicken lasagna today. I left it on the stove to cool before putting it in the fridge last night. It was still sitting there this morning. My husband called me at work to let me know. Grrr.
...I'm going to add some candied almonds and pecans to my Christmas gift list this year.
...why is everyone I hear from lately so into CANNED cranberry sauce? Hello people - fresh cranberries are where it is at. Are you afraid to make them? Buy a bag, add some water and cook over medium heat. Add sugar to taste. You are good to go. If you want them smooth you can put them through a mill - mine is ancient as I got it from my grandma (so I can't tell you where to get one). Try them ~ you'll like them, I promise!
...my 4 year old is obsessed with "Dancing with the Stars". It isn't even funny how into it she is. She was VERY disappointed that the Packers were on ABC here tonight.
...I read an article about a kid getting arrested at school for "passing gas" and turning off someone else's computer. Seriously?! Because I can barely get a kid arrested for punching another kid in the face. On purpose. I keep air fresheners in my room at school since 90% of my students are boys and they like to fart!
How's that for random?!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Menu
Well, we will have 11 people for Thanksgiving (7 adults, 4 kids). I am bringing out the china and am excited to use my nice 'stuff'. Definitely don't use it enough! I think we are having a pretty nice spread!
mashed potato casserole
sweet potatoes
green beans with almonds
lettuce salad
homemade cranberries
sparkling grape juice for the kiddos
pecan pie
chocolate pecan pie
pumpkin pie
homemade vanilla ice cream
Think that will keep us for a while? I am hungry just thinking about it! Of course dinner gets here and I can never eat half of what is on my plate no matter how much I might want to.......definitely eating light this week so I won't feel bad having a little bit of everything.
More recipes to come......here is my favorite for now
Mashed Potato Casserole
8 large potatoes, mashed
add milk as desired
add small pkg of cream cheese (we use large)
2 eggs
1/4 cup butter
add salt, pepper, onion salt to taste
beat/mash again
put in buttered casserole dish, sprinkle parmesan cheese and some paprika on top. Refrigerate if cooking later or next day (my mom often makes it the night before!)
Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes
mashed potato casserole
sweet potatoes
green beans with almonds
lettuce salad
homemade cranberries
sparkling grape juice for the kiddos
pecan pie
chocolate pecan pie
pumpkin pie
homemade vanilla ice cream
Think that will keep us for a while? I am hungry just thinking about it! Of course dinner gets here and I can never eat half of what is on my plate no matter how much I might want to.......definitely eating light this week so I won't feel bad having a little bit of everything.
More recipes to come......here is my favorite for now
Mashed Potato Casserole
8 large potatoes, mashed
add milk as desired
add small pkg of cream cheese (we use large)
2 eggs
1/4 cup butter
add salt, pepper, onion salt to taste
beat/mash again
put in buttered casserole dish, sprinkle parmesan cheese and some paprika on top. Refrigerate if cooking later or next day (my mom often makes it the night before!)
Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes
Sunday, the day of rest.
Yah, right! Sunday is always my day of work. How I wish it was a day of rest!!! I have to clean the basement, the bathrooms, and run a few errands today. I have a 4 year old coughing up a lung and complaining of a sore throat to boot. Lovely.
I have to tell you again, because I want to win the giveaway of course, GO TO TANYA'S BLOG to see the cutest bag! Please leave me a note if you stop by and tell me if you love her blog as much as I do. I think tonight I'm going to make her chicken lasagna!
The Sunday Baker
One of the reasons I have to clean like crazy is we are hosting Thanksgiving. Not a huge group, but 11 of us is good enough! The other reason? I hate to clean and so with a 4 year old I have stuff to clean - or should I say WE (as in me and Kitty)? I also have a basement of my stuff that needs to be contained. I will argue I need more room for my scrapbook stuff -- which I do. I will argue there just isn't enough room period for everything -- which is true. But I also don't always put things away right away and it makes for more work later on. I don't know why I do it but I do and I have to break the cycle! Will be my New Year's resolution (along with getting this bod ready for Belize but that is an entirely different post for another time!).
I'll definitely be back later to post the Thanksgiving menu and a few recipes. Mmmm, I'm already hungry for dinner on Thursday!!! For now though, on a Packerless Sunday, I must get busy!
I have to tell you again, because I want to win the giveaway of course, GO TO TANYA'S BLOG to see the cutest bag! Please leave me a note if you stop by and tell me if you love her blog as much as I do. I think tonight I'm going to make her chicken lasagna!
The Sunday Baker
One of the reasons I have to clean like crazy is we are hosting Thanksgiving. Not a huge group, but 11 of us is good enough! The other reason? I hate to clean and so with a 4 year old I have stuff to clean - or should I say WE (as in me and Kitty)? I also have a basement of my stuff that needs to be contained. I will argue I need more room for my scrapbook stuff -- which I do. I will argue there just isn't enough room period for everything -- which is true. But I also don't always put things away right away and it makes for more work later on. I don't know why I do it but I do and I have to break the cycle! Will be my New Year's resolution (along with getting this bod ready for Belize but that is an entirely different post for another time!).
I'll definitely be back later to post the Thanksgiving menu and a few recipes. Mmmm, I'm already hungry for dinner on Thursday!!! For now though, on a Packerless Sunday, I must get busy!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Check it out - again!
If you haven't checked out Tanya's blog that I posted about the other day GET OVER THERE! She has the cutest girly finds and more giveaways!
The Sunday Baker
It is so awesome - the weekend is here!!! It was a full moon week at school which means lots of CRAZY going on! Nice to have a break for a couple of days.
Unfortunately it is cloudy and cold and the leaves must be taken care of. ugh. Days like this make me long for a warmer climate.....
The Sunday Baker
It is so awesome - the weekend is here!!! It was a full moon week at school which means lots of CRAZY going on! Nice to have a break for a couple of days.
Unfortunately it is cloudy and cold and the leaves must be taken care of. ugh. Days like this make me long for a warmer climate.....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Why not?
I'm cranky tonight. Yup, cranky. And what of it? Why can't I be crabby once in a while? Aren't I entitled? I mean come on. I work full time. Take my child to and from day care. I cook. I shop. I clean (somewhat), do all of the other stuff I have to do and I'm TIRED. And, when I get tired I get crabby. I just need more sleep. Easy to say, hard to do. But I'm trying. I really don't like being cranky believe it or not!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
check this out!
one of these days I'll list the blogs I read, but one of the regulars is Tanya's The Sunday Baker
It is a wonderful blog with delicious recipes and lots of neat decorating ideas. Also, giveaways!!!!! Stop on over and give Tanya a shout out - and check out the goods! I promise you'll go back!
It is a wonderful blog with delicious recipes and lots of neat decorating ideas. Also, giveaways!!!!! Stop on over and give Tanya a shout out - and check out the goods! I promise you'll go back!
Why can I not choose who I work with? Why is there always *someone* that makes things difficult?
why? why? why?
>>>>> And now, a PSA <<<<<
If you go out to dinner at Red Robin, don't look at the nutritional value. Or, maybe you should - because then you most likely won't go!!!!
why? why? why?
>>>>> And now, a PSA <<<<<
If you go out to dinner at Red Robin, don't look at the nutritional value. Or, maybe you should - because then you most likely won't go!!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Party Salad
Now that cold weather is upon is I start to think about the holidays. And who can think about holidays without thinking about food?!
Here is my favorite salad for holiday meals - be careful making the dressing. I've had a few do-overs because I wasn't careful!
Party Salad
2 small heads lettuce
2 C mandarin oranges
Lg red onion sliced thin
1/2 lb bacon, fried and crumbled
1 pkg slivered almonds (browned in bacon fat)
1/3 C sugar
2 1/2 TB vinegar
1/2 TB lemon juice
2 1/2 TB honey
1/2 tsp grated onion
1/2 tsp (each) dry mustard, paprika, celery seed, and salt
Heat the dressing ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Don't cook too long or you will have to do-over. Let the dressing cool before serving - can make ahead of time. Don't just add the dressing right before serving - let it sit a short time! YUMMY!
Here is my favorite salad for holiday meals - be careful making the dressing. I've had a few do-overs because I wasn't careful!
Party Salad
2 small heads lettuce
2 C mandarin oranges
Lg red onion sliced thin
1/2 lb bacon, fried and crumbled
1 pkg slivered almonds (browned in bacon fat)
1/3 C sugar
2 1/2 TB vinegar
1/2 TB lemon juice
2 1/2 TB honey
1/2 tsp grated onion
1/2 tsp (each) dry mustard, paprika, celery seed, and salt
Heat the dressing ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Don't cook too long or you will have to do-over. Let the dressing cool before serving - can make ahead of time. Don't just add the dressing right before serving - let it sit a short time! YUMMY!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4......the ads and phone calls will finally stop. Now it is our turn to get out the vote!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Getting ahead of myself...
Want a good Christmas gift recipe?
Here you go!
Here is the easiest fudge recipe ever:
3 cups of chips - whatever flavor you like
1 can sweetened condensed milk
heat on low until melted
take off heat and add 1 tsp vanilla - or mint extract if you want to make a mint fudge
pour into 8x8 pan that is covered with foil and greased (I use my spray) and cool in fridge for a good 2 hours before cutting
**for rocky road - I used semi-sweet chips and add a cup of walnuts and 2 cups of marshmallows, stirring well
I also have made this with peanut butter chips, mint chips...haven't tried white chocolate just due to personal preference but I'm sure that would be good, too. You can do any kind of combination of flavors you like. :-) I personally like using the dark chocolate chips.
I buy holiday tins and give it to all of my co-workers for Christmas every year - they love it.
Please pray for the Croghan family. Korrine lost her battle with cancer (see previous post).
Here you go!
Here is the easiest fudge recipe ever:
3 cups of chips - whatever flavor you like
1 can sweetened condensed milk
heat on low until melted
take off heat and add 1 tsp vanilla - or mint extract if you want to make a mint fudge
pour into 8x8 pan that is covered with foil and greased (I use my spray) and cool in fridge for a good 2 hours before cutting
**for rocky road - I used semi-sweet chips and add a cup of walnuts and 2 cups of marshmallows, stirring well
I also have made this with peanut butter chips, mint chips...haven't tried white chocolate just due to personal preference but I'm sure that would be good, too. You can do any kind of combination of flavors you like. :-) I personally like using the dark chocolate chips.
I buy holiday tins and give it to all of my co-workers for Christmas every year - they love it.
Please pray for the Croghan family. Korrine lost her battle with cancer (see previous post).
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Another food question......and a request
Ok, so we make a return visit to Mia Famiglia tonight. They have good food plus we had a $50 for $25 coupon we had to use.
What do I do?
Is this odd? Or do other people do it, too?
We had a different appetizer (smoked mozzarella wrapped in basil and lightly fried) and then I had a caprese salad and fungi (mushroom and ricotta filled ravioli). Just like last time. And it was super yummy. Again.
I do think I'll try something different next time. Really! (ok, I'll really try!)
Now to my request. I've been following a blog for quite a while now. Can't even remember how I found it, but that isn't really important. What is important is that a lovely 14 year old girl named Korrine is very sick with a rare form of cancer and it seems has taken a turn for the worse, so please pray for Korrine and her family.
click here to read Korrine's story.
What do I do?
Is this odd? Or do other people do it, too?
We had a different appetizer (smoked mozzarella wrapped in basil and lightly fried) and then I had a caprese salad and fungi (mushroom and ricotta filled ravioli). Just like last time. And it was super yummy. Again.
I do think I'll try something different next time. Really! (ok, I'll really try!)
Now to my request. I've been following a blog for quite a while now. Can't even remember how I found it, but that isn't really important. What is important is that a lovely 14 year old girl named Korrine is very sick with a rare form of cancer and it seems has taken a turn for the worse, so please pray for Korrine and her family.
click here to read Korrine's story.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Not famous....infamous!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
when talking about food.....
......."funky" and "good" just don't seem to go together. Am I right here?
I just don't know how Andrew Zimmern can eat what he does. I'll stick with tried and true instead of bizarre when it comes to my food!!!
I just don't know how Andrew Zimmern can eat what he does. I'll stick with tried and true instead of bizarre when it comes to my food!!!
Bedtime Hell is getting better!
So I had to become a hard-ass. Bedtime required it. Our routine is now a little different, and it has worked well for me. We are still watching a short show, but start earlier and then we get pjs on, go potty, and read a book downstairs. THEN we head upstairs and all we need to do is brush teeth, go potty again, and say prayers. After that it is goodnight ma'am and I'm outta there.
Of course when she doesn't like what I say she will wail, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddy!" It is seriously pathetic. And tugs on the strings - for maybe 5 seconds. ugh.
She has been sleeping all night except for last night. It got really windy and she woke up and had to go potty and for good measure I turned on her radio. She went right back to sleep no problem.......me, not so much.
Still, bedtime has to come earlier but it is SO hard with everything going on. But we'll work on that!
Of course when she doesn't like what I say she will wail, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddy!" It is seriously pathetic. And tugs on the strings - for maybe 5 seconds. ugh.
She has been sleeping all night except for last night. It got really windy and she woke up and had to go potty and for good measure I turned on her radio. She went right back to sleep no problem.......me, not so much.
Still, bedtime has to come earlier but it is SO hard with everything going on. But we'll work on that!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bedtime Hell!
It is amazing how a 4 year old can bring a grown woman to tears - in a matter of minutes - over betime. I am "supposed to" know about behavior. How do deal with inappropriate behavior. How to not have these power struggles day after day after day. But man, 4 year olds are *MUCH* harder than 8th graders. Every night is a struggle lately. Every night. When I put her to bed. When Daddy puts her to bed. Same thing.....crying/screaming when it is time to go up. Having to go potty "one more time" after she's already gone 2x and is tucked in and goodnights have been said.
Every time.
And you know what? I just have to be done. I can't play anymore.
I guess from now on we go to bed "cold turkey" - no show, no books, no nothing. Until she can do it. Consistently. I know she can. I wish I knew why she won't. We'll see if Dr. Z has any better ideas at our check-up tomorrow!
Every time.
And you know what? I just have to be done. I can't play anymore.
I guess from now on we go to bed "cold turkey" - no show, no books, no nothing. Until she can do it. Consistently. I know she can. I wish I knew why she won't. We'll see if Dr. Z has any better ideas at our check-up tomorrow!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oh Yah Baby!
Go Brewers Go!
Big win! Game 4 tomorrow at noon. Guess we won't be watching the Packers for the second straight week. This is unheard of!
Big win! Game 4 tomorrow at noon. Guess we won't be watching the Packers for the second straight week. This is unheard of!
It is chilly! The heat kicked in this morning for the first time. Was round freezing last night ~ had to cover my tomato and pepper plants. Should be a beautiful day today though: sunny and high 60s. I love fall but it is a little early to be soooo chilly!!!
GO BREWERS! They are down 0-2 and tonight is a must win at Miller Park!
And, if you are watching the Badger-Ohio State game tonight on tv don't be surprised when you don't see UW's Marching Band. They are suspended. Dumb kids! College football game at Camp Randall without the band = bummer!
GO BREWERS! They are down 0-2 and tonight is a must win at Miller Park!
And, if you are watching the Badger-Ohio State game tonight on tv don't be surprised when you don't see UW's Marching Band. They are suspended. Dumb kids! College football game at Camp Randall without the band = bummer!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Brewers down 0-1 in NLDS
So it was a rough day for us Brewer fans. Couldn't buy a hit today. Things got exciting in the 9th but the "whiffs" doomed us again. Better luck tomorrow. tomorrow we have CC so hopefully all will be right in the baseball world for us! GO BREWERS!
Ok, so I asked for it - I have to since I have low-traffic flow here (my life and thoughts are Boooooooooooring). Ha. Ok, some of that is totally by choice.
But on twopeas I saw a post asking who wanted to be tagged, so I said sure.
Here's the skinny - cut and pasted from wholarmor's blog (how the hell am I going to tag 6 people? This game of tag may end - FAST)
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write six random things about yourself.
3. Tag six people at the end of your post.
4. If you are tagged, JUST DO IT, and pass the tag
So.....6 random things about me. This will be exciting!
1. I am a diet coke fiend. Every so often I give it up. For a day or two, maybe a week....then I'm back.
2. I would love to go to bed every night by 9 PM. Ain't ever gonna happen, but I can wish.
3. I have not bought a music CD since I can't tell you. Seriously. It's been a good 3 years at least!
4. I've recently been really getting into Facebook. I was never part of the "old" facebook, so I don't really know how much the new one sucks.
5. I love to watch House Hunters.
6. I am a sports freak. I LOVE sports. Especially my hometown teams: Brewers, Packers, Bucks, Badgers.......I probably get more into sports than my hubby! I'd watch every NFL game - just because I really love football.
So.....now the tricky part. Who to tag. Can I just tag whoever reads this? Cuz I know it ain't many :-) But hopefully these people will see this at some point and play along!
1. Jody
2. Lisa
3. Lawanda
4. Fran
oh heck, I'm going to have to let some more people know I actually have a blog! :-)
I'm also going to come back to link some of what I wrote - I always forget how so have to check again. ugh.
But on twopeas I saw a post asking who wanted to be tagged, so I said sure.
Here's the skinny - cut and pasted from wholarmor's blog (how the hell am I going to tag 6 people? This game of tag may end - FAST)
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write six random things about yourself.
3. Tag six people at the end of your post.
4. If you are tagged, JUST DO IT, and pass the tag
So.....6 random things about me. This will be exciting!
1. I am a diet coke fiend. Every so often I give it up. For a day or two, maybe a week....then I'm back.
2. I would love to go to bed every night by 9 PM. Ain't ever gonna happen, but I can wish.
3. I have not bought a music CD since I can't tell you. Seriously. It's been a good 3 years at least!
4. I've recently been really getting into Facebook. I was never part of the "old" facebook, so I don't really know how much the new one sucks.
5. I love to watch House Hunters.
6. I am a sports freak. I LOVE sports. Especially my hometown teams: Brewers, Packers, Bucks, Badgers.......I probably get more into sports than my hubby! I'd watch every NFL game - just because I really love football.
So.....now the tricky part. Who to tag. Can I just tag whoever reads this? Cuz I know it ain't many :-) But hopefully these people will see this at some point and play along!
1. Jody
2. Lisa
3. Lawanda
4. Fran
oh heck, I'm going to have to let some more people know I actually have a blog! :-)
I'm also going to come back to link some of what I wrote - I always forget how so have to check again. ugh.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The strange thing is.....
.....today everyone was talking about the Brewers and nobody was talking about the Packers. Now that is something that never happens. I need to head to the mall to get me a playoff t-shirt. I will not be my brother and wear the same "I think it's lucky" shirt until their season is done!
Oh, and here is some information in case you are ever in the area and getting custard at Kopps. If you get a pint to go, make sure it is FRESHLY packed. Because if it is pre-packed, you get no "guts. Case in point.....I had NO Oreo pieces in my scoop from the pint that hubby brought home. NOT ONE. That should be illegal! I wat Oreos in my cookies and cream custard, darnit! Ok, that's enough now!
Oh, and here is some information in case you are ever in the area and getting custard at Kopps. If you get a pint to go, make sure it is FRESHLY packed. Because if it is pre-packed, you get no "guts. Case in point.....I had NO Oreo pieces in my scoop from the pint that hubby brought home. NOT ONE. That should be illegal! I wat Oreos in my cookies and cream custard, darnit! Ok, that's enough now!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
We did it!
Yes, I'll include myself in the WE. The words are music to my ears:
It's been 26 long years. Many of them very painful years. Sometimes we wondered if they were ever going to get back....and it has happened. WooHoo!
Made the kid cry we cheered so loud. Poor thing. Hopefully there will be much more to cheer about against the Phillies.
It's been 26 long years. Many of them very painful years. Sometimes we wondered if they were ever going to get back....and it has happened. WooHoo!
Made the kid cry we cheered so loud. Poor thing. Hopefully there will be much more to cheer about against the Phillies.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Is it summer vacation yet?
How many days left? I shouldn't even be thinking this 4 weeks into school but it has been a pretty rough 4 weeks already. Does not bode well for what my life will be like until June.......so if I disappear for a while, I'm busy doing IEPs, BIPs, FBAs........or drinking. Haha. Just kidding. I'm a lightweight. Really. But that's another story.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bye Ned!
Today the Brewers fired Ned Yost. There are 12 games left in the regular season. The Brewers are tied for the lead in the wild card race. Seems strange they would fire him, right? Well, consider the sweep that just happened in Philly - and the 4 game lead that is now gone.
I'm not surprised they fired him but I am kind of surprised at the timing.
Now let's just hope they can kick butt these last few games and actually make the playoffs. It's been too long.
I'll have to think of some really exciting things to start posting on this blog. My DH tells me I write about "lame stuff". :-)
And who wants a lame blog?! Ok, it is kind of lame because it really doesn't really have a main focus - just my many thoughts, right?! Maybe I should start writing about him!
I'm not surprised they fired him but I am kind of surprised at the timing.
Now let's just hope they can kick butt these last few games and actually make the playoffs. It's been too long.
I'll have to think of some really exciting things to start posting on this blog. My DH tells me I write about "lame stuff". :-)
And who wants a lame blog?! Ok, it is kind of lame because it really doesn't really have a main focus - just my many thoughts, right?! Maybe I should start writing about him!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Where to start?!
I have been so busy this week I couldn't even think of posting anything on the blog. It's been one of the busiest back to school years ever for me. If this is a sign to come it is going to be quite a year.
Today the Packers got the blood pressure going again with the near-collapse in the
4th quarter and then 3 INTs, the latter two which were returned for TDs. WooHoo! Aaron Rodgers is playing great. Now McCarthy needs to do something about all of these penalties!!!
And, how could I not write about Ike. Wow. The destruction is amazing. We can only pray that the people who have been affected by Ike get the help and support they need to keep going and, in many cases, start over.
Finally, I dedicate a poem to all my fellow special education teachers out there ~ I'm on my way to go write draft before I can go to bed.
IEPs by Dr. Seuss
Do you like these IEPs?
I do not like these IEPs
I do not like them, Jeeze Louise
We test, we check
We plan, we meet
But nothing ever seems complete.
Would you, could you
Like the form?
I do not like the form I see
Not page 1, not 2, or 3
Another change
A brand new box
I think we all
Have lost our rocks.
Could you all meet here or there?
We could not all meet here or there.
We cannot all fit anywhere.
Not in a room
Not in the hall
There seems to be no space at all.
Would you, could you meet again?
I cannot meet again next week
No lunch, no prep
Please hear me speak.
No, not at dusk. No, not at dawn
at 5 pm I should be gone.
Could you hear while all speak out?
Would you write the words they spout?
I could not hear, I would not write
This does not need to be a fight.
Sign here, date there,
Mark this, check that
Beware the students ad-vo-cat(e).
You do not like them
So you say
Try again! Try again!
And you may.
If you will let me be,
I will try again
You will see.
I almost like these IEPs
I think I'll write 6003.
And I will practice day and night
Until they say
"You've got it right!"
Today the Packers got the blood pressure going again with the near-collapse in the
4th quarter and then 3 INTs, the latter two which were returned for TDs. WooHoo! Aaron Rodgers is playing great. Now McCarthy needs to do something about all of these penalties!!!
And, how could I not write about Ike. Wow. The destruction is amazing. We can only pray that the people who have been affected by Ike get the help and support they need to keep going and, in many cases, start over.
Finally, I dedicate a poem to all my fellow special education teachers out there ~ I'm on my way to go write draft before I can go to bed.
IEPs by Dr. Seuss
Do you like these IEPs?
I do not like these IEPs
I do not like them, Jeeze Louise
We test, we check
We plan, we meet
But nothing ever seems complete.
Would you, could you
Like the form?
I do not like the form I see
Not page 1, not 2, or 3
Another change
A brand new box
I think we all
Have lost our rocks.
Could you all meet here or there?
We could not all meet here or there.
We cannot all fit anywhere.
Not in a room
Not in the hall
There seems to be no space at all.
Would you, could you meet again?
I cannot meet again next week
No lunch, no prep
Please hear me speak.
No, not at dusk. No, not at dawn
at 5 pm I should be gone.
Could you hear while all speak out?
Would you write the words they spout?
I could not hear, I would not write
This does not need to be a fight.
Sign here, date there,
Mark this, check that
Beware the students ad-vo-cat(e).
You do not like them
So you say
Try again! Try again!
And you may.
If you will let me be,
I will try again
You will see.
I almost like these IEPs
I think I'll write 6003.
And I will practice day and night
Until they say
"You've got it right!"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It finally happened
When I student taught 15 years ago my cooperating teacher told me that teaching special education (EBD) is hard and I shouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the road my former students would appear on the news and/or in jail for doing something really bad.
Well.......it happened.
Last spring actually, but sentencing was yesterday for this 16 year old that (as a 15 year old) shot two people (gang related) and when an unmarked cruiser came and the officers identified themselves he shot two of three officers, one of whom will never be a cop again due to his injuries - most of which are psychological I believe.
60 years, 9 months.
A few years ago he was a punk kid in middle school. Cold and uncaring. But still a kid deep down inside. We wouldn't see that too often. Told us a lot that by the time he was 18 he would either be dead or in jail. Just like his father. Was sent a few hours north to live with relatives because he was starting to get into the gang thing. Didn't last.
Now he has a lot of time to think about it.
Well.......it happened.
Last spring actually, but sentencing was yesterday for this 16 year old that (as a 15 year old) shot two people (gang related) and when an unmarked cruiser came and the officers identified themselves he shot two of three officers, one of whom will never be a cop again due to his injuries - most of which are psychological I believe.
60 years, 9 months.
A few years ago he was a punk kid in middle school. Cold and uncaring. But still a kid deep down inside. We wouldn't see that too often. Told us a lot that by the time he was 18 he would either be dead or in jail. Just like his father. Was sent a few hours north to live with relatives because he was starting to get into the gang thing. Didn't last.
Now he has a lot of time to think about it.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tropic Thunder: A review
Tonight my hubby and I saw a movie. In the theater. First time in - oh, over a year. Neither of us can remember the last movie we saw. Well, I remember Munich but I'm sure we've seen *something* since then.
Tonight we went to see Tropic Thunder (our choice over The Dark Knight). BAD choice. People said how funny it was. Sure, there were some funny parts but overall I'd say it was a big waste of $8.50 and 2 hours of my time. Bummer for us, considering it might be a long time before we hit the theater again.
And when did movies get so dumb anyway? Are there any good movies out there anymore???
My recommendation: Don't waste your money on this one - wait until it comes to DVD or On Demand. Sure, Robert Downey Jr. was good and so was Tom Cruise, but overall, I'd say C- tops.
Tonight we went to see Tropic Thunder (our choice over The Dark Knight). BAD choice. People said how funny it was. Sure, there were some funny parts but overall I'd say it was a big waste of $8.50 and 2 hours of my time. Bummer for us, considering it might be a long time before we hit the theater again.
And when did movies get so dumb anyway? Are there any good movies out there anymore???
My recommendation: Don't waste your money on this one - wait until it comes to DVD or On Demand. Sure, Robert Downey Jr. was good and so was Tom Cruise, but overall, I'd say C- tops.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Goodbye Summer!
Today was a very sad day for me. I had to return to work. OK, it wasn't really all that sad but that early alarm was killer! I haven't been up that early since the last day of school in June *LOL* Today was a workday and tomorrow we have a staff breakfast meeting (MMmmm) and then meetings all day. Ugh.
Glad Friday and Monday are vacation days....I really need to get back into the routine!
Glad Friday and Monday are vacation days....I really need to get back into the routine!
Monday, August 25, 2008
My DH has been on my back to make a pen for a while. Yes, you heard right. Make a pen. He took a class at a local woodworking store a while back and made one. It was pretty cool. He decided he needed a lathe. He also thinks I need to take up woodworking. I don't. I like to scrapbook. I am behind in my scrapbooking - I don't have time to do woodworking.
But I said, "Sure honey, show me how to make a pen!" We started a few weeks ago and cut the wood in 2 pieces and drilled the hole. Well, that was hard b/c we didn't have what we needed to do so and the hole was a bit off-center but workable.
DH bought whatever it was he needed to use with the drill press - the name escapes this wood-working novice - and he drilled the other hole.
Last Friday he took off of work, the 4 year old was at Grandma's for the afternon, so........we got to some pen-making. The fun part was when it finally got on the lathe! For a project that should maybe take an hour it took me/us longer but it was our first time!
And....drum roll please.......here is the final product:

What do you all think? I'm proud of it. I didn't do it all myself, DH helped a good deal, but I'd say I did a good 60% myself. I'm sure it will get easier when I do the next one ...... gotta get going if everyone is going to get a pen for Christmas! *ha*
Thanks for making me do it, honey!
But I said, "Sure honey, show me how to make a pen!" We started a few weeks ago and cut the wood in 2 pieces and drilled the hole. Well, that was hard b/c we didn't have what we needed to do so and the hole was a bit off-center but workable.
DH bought whatever it was he needed to use with the drill press - the name escapes this wood-working novice - and he drilled the other hole.
Last Friday he took off of work, the 4 year old was at Grandma's for the afternon, so........we got to some pen-making. The fun part was when it finally got on the lathe! For a project that should maybe take an hour it took me/us longer but it was our first time!
And....drum roll please.......here is the final product:
What do you all think? I'm proud of it. I didn't do it all myself, DH helped a good deal, but I'd say I did a good 60% myself. I'm sure it will get easier when I do the next one ...... gotta get going if everyone is going to get a pen for Christmas! *ha*
Thanks for making me do it, honey!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Prayer Request, please
A friend of ours, John, is currently in the hospital after receiving word that he will most likely need to have some surgery. He has been through a lot, has already had a surgery, and recovery has had ups and downs. Please send your prayers and good healing thoughts to John and Jody. Thanks!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday
A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Kitty who turns 4 and my hubby who likes to keep his age a secret! Here's to many, many more! Love you!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Question of the Day
Can someone please tell me why in the world the track stars want to have all of those chains banging around their necks?!?!?!
Not only would I think it is uncomfortable but it creates extra drag.
Inquiring minds want to know!
Not only would I think it is uncomfortable but it creates extra drag.
Inquiring minds want to know!
Oriental Salad Recipe
I've been posting a lot about swimming, so here is a recipe I love during the summer. There are a lot of oriental salad recipes out there....this one is very simple and delicious. (it also tastes great with splenda)
1 package coleslaw mix
1 small package sunflower seeds
1 small package slivered almonds
2 packages BEEF Raman noodles
½ cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
2 seasonings packets from beef ramen noodles
chopped green onion (optional)
Mix just before ready to serve so it stays crispy.
1 package coleslaw mix
1 small package sunflower seeds
1 small package slivered almonds
2 packages BEEF Raman noodles
½ cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
2 seasonings packets from beef ramen noodles
chopped green onion (optional)
Mix just before ready to serve so it stays crispy.
Friday, August 15, 2008
7 down, one to go!
You can't tell on the replays, but Michael Phelps did it. I'm not sure how he pulled that one out but he did and now we wait for tomorrow to see #8.
There was a protest but it was denied after the Omega people looked at the overhead cameras and determined Phelps did out-touch Milorad Cavic of Serbia. Now please tell me how in the world you can see .01 on an overhead camera?!?!
Can't wait to see the Medley Relay tomorrow....US has to be a pretty big favorite. Will be so exciting! I hope everybody is watching ~ this is history and may never happen again!
Another pretty big swimming moment was Janet Evans' 800 M freestyle record going down - it's been there for 18 years!
And then there is Dara Torres. She is amazing. Just amazing! 41 years old and it is very likely she will win a gold medal.
There was a protest but it was denied after the Omega people looked at the overhead cameras and determined Phelps did out-touch Milorad Cavic of Serbia. Now please tell me how in the world you can see .01 on an overhead camera?!?!
Can't wait to see the Medley Relay tomorrow....US has to be a pretty big favorite. Will be so exciting! I hope everybody is watching ~ this is history and may never happen again!
Another pretty big swimming moment was Janet Evans' 800 M freestyle record going down - it's been there for 18 years!
And then there is Dara Torres. She is amazing. Just amazing! 41 years old and it is very likely she will win a gold medal.
Another amazing night watching the Olympics!
Lochte and Phelps were amazing. And how about Rebecca Soni?! WOW! That was an amazing swim. I'm excited for the weekend - then will be disappointed because swimming is over and it will again be 4 years with little coverage on tv. Maybe with the huge interest in Phelps we will start to see more swimming coverage on tv?! I can only hope.
And women's gymnastics. Another wow. For a few reasons: the Chinese gymnasts are NOT as old as they say and there is no way anybody can say that the judging was fair. The American girls has such low scores a few times on awesome routines. On the flip side the Chinese girls could make many visible mistakes and end up with a high score. Definitely not fair.
I am SO glad that the Gold and Silver went to the Americans! YAY for Nastia and Shawn. Now we will be on to track and field.......
Lochte and Phelps were amazing. And how about Rebecca Soni?! WOW! That was an amazing swim. I'm excited for the weekend - then will be disappointed because swimming is over and it will again be 4 years with little coverage on tv. Maybe with the huge interest in Phelps we will start to see more swimming coverage on tv?! I can only hope.
And women's gymnastics. Another wow. For a few reasons: the Chinese gymnasts are NOT as old as they say and there is no way anybody can say that the judging was fair. The American girls has such low scores a few times on awesome routines. On the flip side the Chinese girls could make many visible mistakes and end up with a high score. Definitely not fair.
I am SO glad that the Gold and Silver went to the Americans! YAY for Nastia and Shawn. Now we will be on to track and field.......
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Chicken Salad
I figured I should get away from swimming for a few mintues - because I will definitely be back there after the races tonight. I think Lochte is going to give Phelps a good race in the 200 IM!
Anywho, I love having chicken salad during the summer. As a sandwich or with pasta - whichever. There are a lot of "fancy" recipes out there, but mine is pretty simple and, I think, delicious! I served this on croissants at a birthday party we had on Saturday and everyone loved it.
Simple Chicken Salad
diced chicken
~ one cup red grapes - halved or quartered depending on taste
1-2 stalks celery - diced
large green apple - diced
roasted pecans - chopped
Mix all together (add as much fruit and celery as you like) and add mayo to taste. Serve on croissants (or bread). Or, add bow-tie pasta. I leave the pecans large if I'm using pasta. I have also used walnuts and even cashews. But all I use is mayo. Nothing else. And it turns out great every time. YUM!
Anywho, I love having chicken salad during the summer. As a sandwich or with pasta - whichever. There are a lot of "fancy" recipes out there, but mine is pretty simple and, I think, delicious! I served this on croissants at a birthday party we had on Saturday and everyone loved it.
Simple Chicken Salad
diced chicken
~ one cup red grapes - halved or quartered depending on taste
1-2 stalks celery - diced
large green apple - diced
roasted pecans - chopped
Mix all together (add as much fruit and celery as you like) and add mayo to taste. Serve on croissants (or bread). Or, add bow-tie pasta. I leave the pecans large if I'm using pasta. I have also used walnuts and even cashews. But all I use is mayo. Nothing else. And it turns out great every time. YUM!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Still swimming.....
I am just loving this Olympic coverage of swimming at "The Cube". The races have been amazing.
We may never see another relay like that men's 4x100. Jason Lezak is a rock star!
And what Michael Phelps is doing - we will probably never see anyone do what he is doing in our lifetime.
Poor Katie Hoff is not doing what she wants to do medal-wise. I am watching the women's 4x200 relay right now and hoping she can turn it on for the silver - don't think she will catch the Aussies. Nope - bronze!
Only problem with NBC's coverage ~ it is keeping me up too late at night! Not something good expecially with school starting soon (which means very early mornings starting up again - BOO!).
We may never see another relay like that men's 4x100. Jason Lezak is a rock star!
And what Michael Phelps is doing - we will probably never see anyone do what he is doing in our lifetime.
Poor Katie Hoff is not doing what she wants to do medal-wise. I am watching the women's 4x200 relay right now and hoping she can turn it on for the silver - don't think she will catch the Aussies. Nope - bronze!
Only problem with NBC's coverage ~ it is keeping me up too late at night! Not something good expecially with school starting soon (which means very early mornings starting up again - BOO!).
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
This salad rocks! Hard!
Ok, so I mentioned below I was going to make a Pioneer Woman recipe. Asian Noodle Salad. Never made it before but it sounded soooo good. Tonight was as good a time as ever to try it.
This recipe is a keeper and has gone to the top of the list. Yummy in my tummy!
Link to Pioneer Woman's recipe
Try it. You'll like it. No, you'll love it. And then you'll want to try a few more of her recipes, b/c they are good. I can personally vouch for the chicken spaghetti and the spicy shrimp. Yum!
This recipe is a keeper and has gone to the top of the list. Yummy in my tummy!
Link to Pioneer Woman's recipe
Try it. You'll like it. No, you'll love it. And then you'll want to try a few more of her recipes, b/c they are good. I can personally vouch for the chicken spaghetti and the spicy shrimp. Yum!
What are the chances.....
So my grandma and uncle are coming over for dinner tonight. I want to make Pioneer Woman's Asian Noodle Salad. I called to make sure they like cilantro.
Ummm, my 90 year old grandma and my uncle - her farmer son - have NEVER HAD CILANTRO!
Can you believe? What a sad food existance not being frinds with the oh so fragrant and delightful tasty cilantro!
Hopefully they will see the light toinght!
Ummm, my 90 year old grandma and my uncle - her farmer son - have NEVER HAD CILANTRO!
Can you believe? What a sad food existance not being frinds with the oh so fragrant and delightful tasty cilantro!
Hopefully they will see the light toinght!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Does this mean I'm old?
Went to my 20th class reunion this past weekend. Has it really been that long? I don't feel old.....

Aren't we a good looking group?!
It was really fun to see old friends and I look forward to our 25th. I was a little disappointed that more people weren't there as I graduated with about 310 people but oh well. I guess some people aren't into reunions. Too bad, it was a blast!

Aren't we a good looking group?!
It was really fun to see old friends and I look forward to our 25th. I was a little disappointed that more people weren't there as I graduated with about 310 people but oh well. I guess some people aren't into reunions. Too bad, it was a blast!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Maybe I should just say, "who cares?!" about the Packers when we have the Brewers rocking our the month of July. What fun to be a Brewer fan these days. CC was a great addition - hopefully he and Benny will lead us to the post season. It's been a LONG time! Go Brewers Go!
Monday, July 21, 2008
How much does a news anchor make per year?
What do you all think?
Because after reading an article on cnn.com today I was floored at the amount I saw!!!
What do you all think?
Because after reading an article on cnn.com today I was floored at the amount I saw!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Will he stay or will he go?
So I am a cheesehead. Well, I usually don't admit that but I am - even though I'd never wear one! And I'll tell you, all of this Brett Favre stuff is enough to make anyone go crazy. Stop already!!! As much as I love Brett - yes, I shed tears when he announced his retirement - he is coming off as a little spoiled brat here!
I think that he, Ted, and maybe coach need to be locked in a room until they can figure stuff out and play nice.
Unfortunately I'm sure there is more to come in this already annoying story so stay tuned!
I think that he, Ted, and maybe coach need to be locked in a room until they can figure stuff out and play nice.
Unfortunately I'm sure there is more to come in this already annoying story so stay tuned!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Strawberry Poppyseed Salad
Me thinks this is THE best summertime salad out there!
Lately I've made it with spinach and last time I even threw in some mandarin oranges. Yum!
Strawberry Poppyseed Salad
4 heads leaf/bib lettuce
1 C Monterey jack cheese cubed
6 oz toasted pecans
3 oz sunflower seeds
*strawberries* a good 2 cups or so
small white onion minced
1 1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup wine or white vinegar
2 tsp dried mustard
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 cups vegetable oil
2-3 tbs poppyseeds
whisk together, add right before serving
Lately I've made it with spinach and last time I even threw in some mandarin oranges. Yum!
Strawberry Poppyseed Salad
4 heads leaf/bib lettuce
1 C Monterey jack cheese cubed
6 oz toasted pecans
3 oz sunflower seeds
*strawberries* a good 2 cups or so
small white onion minced
1 1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup wine or white vinegar
2 tsp dried mustard
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 cups vegetable oil
2-3 tbs poppyseeds
whisk together, add right before serving
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Where does the time go?
It is already July?! Come on! Where does the time go?
For me it has been a busy time adjusting to summer vacation. And, unfortunately, a sad time for me and my family as we lost my grandmother last Friday. On her 90th birthday. She has been in the hospital for a problem with her leg but death was not something anyone thought was on the horizon. Grandma - I love you and I miss you! Say hi to grandpa for me!!!
For me it has been a busy time adjusting to summer vacation. And, unfortunately, a sad time for me and my family as we lost my grandmother last Friday. On her 90th birthday. She has been in the hospital for a problem with her leg but death was not something anyone thought was on the horizon. Grandma - I love you and I miss you! Say hi to grandpa for me!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday the 13th
I'm only thinking one thing today.....SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kids were done yesterday and after today's workday I'm done also. It was a first yesterday. We had a tornado warning and we had to hold the kids late. Ha.
OK, I do have another thought. The flooding that we are having in our area is unbelievable. Luckily we are dry but so many people aren't. Just praying the rain ends so we can dry out!
Kids were done yesterday and after today's workday I'm done also. It was a first yesterday. We had a tornado warning and we had to hold the kids late. Ha.
OK, I do have another thought. The flooding that we are having in our area is unbelievable. Luckily we are dry but so many people aren't. Just praying the rain ends so we can dry out!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Where in the world?
I started putting in some places I've been to.....have to had slept overnight for them to count......this isn't everything but I'll get there! My favorite place - Greece, hands down!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thought for the day
Fair is not equal.
Really -- it isn't. I wish more people would get it, especially teachers!
Really -- it isn't. I wish more people would get it, especially teachers!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Only 5 more Fridays of work! One of those is a half-day and one is the last day - teacher workday where usually everything is pretty much done and we just putter around doing those last minute things and packing up for summer - which always seems strange to me but that is another topic for another day.
It is supposed to be spring. We are 1/3 of the way through May. But there are frost warnings for tonight. What is wrong with this? Sunday is supposed to be rainy and in the high 40s. Happy Mother's Day! Seems like it might be a great day to just snuggle in bed with a good book!
And I do have another letter for Ned Yost:
Dear Ned,
I hope you guys win a game soon or I'm afraid they might start coming for you. I've heard that is one reason they brought Ted Simmons in as bench coach - so if there were problems he'd be an easy choice for promotion. 6 games in a row is too long for a losing streak!
Happy weekend to one and all!
It is supposed to be spring. We are 1/3 of the way through May. But there are frost warnings for tonight. What is wrong with this? Sunday is supposed to be rainy and in the high 40s. Happy Mother's Day! Seems like it might be a great day to just snuggle in bed with a good book!
And I do have another letter for Ned Yost:
Dear Ned,
I hope you guys win a game soon or I'm afraid they might start coming for you. I've heard that is one reason they brought Ted Simmons in as bench coach - so if there were problems he'd be an easy choice for promotion. 6 games in a row is too long for a losing streak!
Happy weekend to one and all!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The home stretch
25 "get up and get there days" left of school. Very, very excited for this tough year to be over. Once I'm on 'vacation' I am going to the spa to use my gift cert. to get a massage, facial, and manicure - and maybe a pedi too. Why? Because I deserve it...and I've had the gc since last Mother's Day and I just have to use it already.
Idol fans finally got it right getting rid of Castro. yay!
Anyone want any gummi bears? We gots lots!
Idol fans finally got it right getting rid of Castro. yay!
Anyone want any gummi bears? We gots lots!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Who'd have thought that the thanks I'd get for teaching would come from a fast-food chain?! Chipotle, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, was again giving free burritos to educators. Sweet! Line was out the door and we weren't really planning on eating out but what the heck. Any excuse not to cook, right?!?! And since their burritos are king-sized I can have dinner on them tomorrow also. Cewl.
And for dessert? Gummi bears. Courtesy of my hubby. Yes, Mr. Deal (I challenge anyone to find more deals than he does) found one he couldn't resist - 5 lbs of gummi bears, 5 lbs of coke bottle gummies and another 6.5 punds of black licorice tasting gummies (can't remember what they are called). Can you say stomach ache? Good thing I don't like cola, black licorice, or green gummies!
Idol fans: Castro has to go this week, he just does!
And for dessert? Gummi bears. Courtesy of my hubby. Yes, Mr. Deal (I challenge anyone to find more deals than he does) found one he couldn't resist - 5 lbs of gummi bears, 5 lbs of coke bottle gummies and another 6.5 punds of black licorice tasting gummies (can't remember what they are called). Can you say stomach ache? Good thing I don't like cola, black licorice, or green gummies!
Idol fans: Castro has to go this week, he just does!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'll admit it
I love Neil Diamond. Really!!!
Oh yes, I have to also tell you that we're #1. Yes, Wisconsin ranks #1 when we are talking about people who admit to driving 'under the influence' 26.4% of people admitted to it compared to 15.1% nationally. Here is thestory.
And right after reading this story I am watching the news hearing about a horrible and devastating accident that happened last Friday afternoon as big thunderstorms were rolling through the area. A Cadillac Escalade completely crunched a Honda - as I saw the pictures I could not imagine anyone surviving. Killed were a 38 year old pregnant assistant high school principal and her 10 year old daughter. Her son survived and another child was in critical condition. The guy who hit her was taken to the hospital and then jail.
On Monday he was charged with homicide in their deaths - he was under the influence of prescription drugs at the time.
It just makes me sick and I want to cry every time I see it on the news. This man should NOT have been on the road. The consequences for earlier violations should have been more serious so he was in jail or off the road!!!
It isn't very Christian of me but at this moment I hope he rots in jail - and I hope it is painful for him.
Oh yes, I have to also tell you that we're #1. Yes, Wisconsin ranks #1 when we are talking about people who admit to driving 'under the influence' 26.4% of people admitted to it compared to 15.1% nationally. Here is thestory.
And right after reading this story I am watching the news hearing about a horrible and devastating accident that happened last Friday afternoon as big thunderstorms were rolling through the area. A Cadillac Escalade completely crunched a Honda - as I saw the pictures I could not imagine anyone surviving. Killed were a 38 year old pregnant assistant high school principal and her 10 year old daughter. Her son survived and another child was in critical condition. The guy who hit her was taken to the hospital and then jail.
On Monday he was charged with homicide in their deaths - he was under the influence of prescription drugs at the time.
It just makes me sick and I want to cry every time I see it on the news. This man should NOT have been on the road. The consequences for earlier violations should have been more serious so he was in jail or off the road!!!
It isn't very Christian of me but at this moment I hope he rots in jail - and I hope it is painful for him.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day
So I hope today that everyone (who doesn't read my blog) is doing their part to Save the Earth. I challenge all shoppers to purchse reusable bags and just say no to all of the plastic bags the stores now rely on. They are bad, bad, bad! If you must get a bag at the grocery store get paper - and recycle it for goodness sake!
I did keep the tv on tonight as I had to watch Idol. Syesha rocked the house and was definitely my favorite performance of the night. Hope she makes the cut!
And now, another letter to Mr. Yost, manager of the Brewers:
Dear Ned (part 2),
Apparently you didn't get my message yesterday. I asked you to please not put in Turnbow or Eric Gagne with the game on the line. You left Turbow on the pine but not Gagne. And again he blew it. Now I will agree that it is partially the fault of the infield because they didn't convert the double play BUT he still had 2 base runners. Maybe if the sports psych isn't available you can try some hypnosis because something has to give! Luckily the offense pulled it out in the 12th. I'm still a huge fan but am struggling to understand your logic. Let's get the 10 million dollar man going or it is going to be a long 180 games - and after today you may need to start thinking about the other 12 pitchers besides Gagne and Turnbow. Yikes. story
I did keep the tv on tonight as I had to watch Idol. Syesha rocked the house and was definitely my favorite performance of the night. Hope she makes the cut!
And now, another letter to Mr. Yost, manager of the Brewers:
Dear Ned (part 2),
Apparently you didn't get my message yesterday. I asked you to please not put in Turnbow or Eric Gagne with the game on the line. You left Turbow on the pine but not Gagne. And again he blew it. Now I will agree that it is partially the fault of the infield because they didn't convert the double play BUT he still had 2 base runners. Maybe if the sports psych isn't available you can try some hypnosis because something has to give! Luckily the offense pulled it out in the 12th. I'm still a huge fan but am struggling to understand your logic. Let's get the 10 million dollar man going or it is going to be a long 180 games - and after today you may need to start thinking about the other 12 pitchers besides Gagne and Turnbow. Yikes. story
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring has sprung!
Yay! Warm weather has finally decided to show up and stay a while. Over the weekend it was a splendid and sunny 74 degrees. It felt great to sit outside and enjoy it. Nice again today too.....only wish I had a window at work to enjoy it!
And now, an open letter to Ned Yost:
Dear Ned,
Derek Turnbow is not the pitcher you want to bring in when the game is on the line. He proved that over and over again last year. Tonight he proved it again. Please, I beg of you, put someone else in. You have a deep bullpen so I'm sure you could find someone. Oh, and you might want to stay away from Gagne as well. Maybe a sports psychologist in the bullpen would help out.
And now, an open letter to Ned Yost:
Dear Ned,
Derek Turnbow is not the pitcher you want to bring in when the game is on the line. He proved that over and over again last year. Tonight he proved it again. Please, I beg of you, put someone else in. You have a deep bullpen so I'm sure you could find someone. Oh, and you might want to stay away from Gagne as well. Maybe a sports psychologist in the bullpen would help out.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Spri-ing.....Where are you?
The weatherpeople say spring is coming, but I'll believe it when I see it.
After 100 inches of snow this winter and a weekend with windchills in the 20s I'm ready for warm. Heck, I'll take luke-warm and sun at this point. Supposed to hit 60 this week. YAY!
After 100 inches of snow this winter and a weekend with windchills in the 20s I'm ready for warm. Heck, I'll take luke-warm and sun at this point. Supposed to hit 60 this week. YAY!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Got curry?
Chicken curry (ala Jami):
1) Skinless Chicken thighs (6 pcs.)
2) Cubed potatoes (optional)
3) Vegetable oil : 3-4 tablespoons
4) Powder chili pepper (1 teaspoon)
5) Turmeric ( 1 teaspoon)
6) Coriander powder ( 2 teaspoons)
7) Cumin powder ( 2 teaspoons)
8) Paprika (2 teaspoons)
9) Crushed or minced garlic and ginger ( can also use powder) ( 1 teaspoon each)
10) Onion (2 medium sizes) sliced.
11) 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (optional)
12) Fresh cilantro chopped. ( ½ cup)
13) 1 teaspoon salt.
Preparation: Add oil and onions in a deep pan or pot. On medium heat, sauté the onions. Add salt and all the spices. Cook a bit longer until the onions become clear. Add chicken to the mix. Stir well. Add the cubed potatoes, and mix some more. Cover and cook for 15 mins. Add half cup of hot water, stir and cover again. Cook for 35-40 mins. Check frequently. Check the chicken with a fork for tenderness. Add chopped cilantro, cover and turn the stove off. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with white rice or pita bread. Plain yogurt and sliced cucumber make excellent condiment.
*this is spicy, so cut down on the chili powder if you don't like a bite
And to John - glad to hear things went well. Hope you get home soon!!!
1) Skinless Chicken thighs (6 pcs.)
2) Cubed potatoes (optional)
3) Vegetable oil : 3-4 tablespoons
4) Powder chili pepper (1 teaspoon)
5) Turmeric ( 1 teaspoon)
6) Coriander powder ( 2 teaspoons)
7) Cumin powder ( 2 teaspoons)
8) Paprika (2 teaspoons)
9) Crushed or minced garlic and ginger ( can also use powder) ( 1 teaspoon each)
10) Onion (2 medium sizes) sliced.
11) 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (optional)
12) Fresh cilantro chopped. ( ½ cup)
13) 1 teaspoon salt.
Preparation: Add oil and onions in a deep pan or pot. On medium heat, sauté the onions. Add salt and all the spices. Cook a bit longer until the onions become clear. Add chicken to the mix. Stir well. Add the cubed potatoes, and mix some more. Cover and cook for 15 mins. Add half cup of hot water, stir and cover again. Cook for 35-40 mins. Check frequently. Check the chicken with a fork for tenderness. Add chopped cilantro, cover and turn the stove off. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with white rice or pita bread. Plain yogurt and sliced cucumber make excellent condiment.
*this is spicy, so cut down on the chili powder if you don't like a bite
And to John - glad to hear things went well. Hope you get home soon!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A shout out...
...to John. Good luck with the reversal surgery tomorrow!!! Looking forward to hearing everything went well.
...to my hubby for his generous donation to Idol gives back! You rock!
...to my hubby for his generous donation to Idol gives back! You rock!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A vote for school uniforms here!
So I frequent the TwoPeas message board. Never a dull moment on the NSBR board! And today a particular post really irked me.
A mother posted that she bought her 7th grade son a shirt that said "Bikini Patrol: CPR Expert" and he wore it to school at which time his PE teacher threatened him with a detention if she saw it again - or something like that. You get the picture.
Now first off, I cannot even IMAGINE buying my kid a shirt like this but then giving him your blessing as he goes out the door to school? You have to be kidding me! And there were women defending this.
WOW. Just wow. This is just another thing that is wrong with kids (and parents?) today. I can't stand to see them in the store and I honestly can't believe a parent would willingly buy one for their kid. Teachers have enough problems to deal with on a daily basis, can we not have to deal with the distractions and reactions with these shirts? Please?!
I'm thinking school uniforms for everyone. Let's not forget a belt requirement so sagging is no longer an issue either.
A mother posted that she bought her 7th grade son a shirt that said "Bikini Patrol: CPR Expert" and he wore it to school at which time his PE teacher threatened him with a detention if she saw it again - or something like that. You get the picture.
Now first off, I cannot even IMAGINE buying my kid a shirt like this but then giving him your blessing as he goes out the door to school? You have to be kidding me! And there were women defending this.
WOW. Just wow. This is just another thing that is wrong with kids (and parents?) today. I can't stand to see them in the store and I honestly can't believe a parent would willingly buy one for their kid. Teachers have enough problems to deal with on a daily basis, can we not have to deal with the distractions and reactions with these shirts? Please?!
I'm thinking school uniforms for everyone. Let's not forget a belt requirement so sagging is no longer an issue either.
Monday, April 7, 2008
I can't say I'm a big fan of Mondays. They always come too fast!
Today I'm going to post a few random thoughts...
Random thought #1: It's fun to be a Brewer fan again. Been some long, lean years but things are exciting at Miller Park. What a great series against San Fran capped off by a complete game shut-out by Ben Sheets. How awesome is that?!
Random thought #2: Will have to wait since a certain little girl needs my attention....maybe, now that I'm back, my new thought needs to be 3 year olds don't wait for nobody!
Random thought #3: I will be watching the NCAA championship game. My hubby won't be. I love college hoops. He doesn't. That's just funny to me.
Random thought #4: It never gets warm enough, long enough, soon enough. It was very nice this weekend ~ around 60. This afternoon the windchills must have been low 30s. When is spring really going to come - and stay?!
Random thought #5: Some people just don't get it. I don't know why. Doesn't matter how much you try, how much others try or how many times you bang your head against the wall (while wishing it was that other person) it just isn't going to happen. Get over it already.
Random thought #6: I love HDTV. Enough said?!
Random thought #7: Frozen custard is yummy. Very, very yummy. Especially when the weather is warm. But since it isn't yet I suppose I shouldn't think about it, now should I?!
Random thought #8: What's up with calling people "dawg"? Does it mean you are cool if someone calls you "dawg"? Because one of my students called me "Dawg"today and I wasn't barking or anything, so I'll take it as a positive thing?!??!?!??!?! Teenagers are strange!
Random thought #9: I'm tired. I never go to bed early enough. Why not? Who knows. Always something to do. But I have to work on that, I really do. I can't wait for summer vacation and no 5:40 alarm every day.
Random thought #10: I need a treat. That custard talk did it. I actually have some in the freezer (thanks, Dad). Not like I need it. I really don't need it I need it like I need a hole in my head. What I *need* to do is drop this 25 pounds that have been hanging around since child birth. Ok, maybe I'll just have some strawberries while I watch the game.
Today I'm going to post a few random thoughts...
Random thought #1: It's fun to be a Brewer fan again. Been some long, lean years but things are exciting at Miller Park. What a great series against San Fran capped off by a complete game shut-out by Ben Sheets. How awesome is that?!
Random thought #2: Will have to wait since a certain little girl needs my attention....maybe, now that I'm back, my new thought needs to be 3 year olds don't wait for nobody!
Random thought #3: I will be watching the NCAA championship game. My hubby won't be. I love college hoops. He doesn't. That's just funny to me.
Random thought #4: It never gets warm enough, long enough, soon enough. It was very nice this weekend ~ around 60. This afternoon the windchills must have been low 30s. When is spring really going to come - and stay?!
Random thought #5: Some people just don't get it. I don't know why. Doesn't matter how much you try, how much others try or how many times you bang your head against the wall (while wishing it was that other person) it just isn't going to happen. Get over it already.
Random thought #6: I love HDTV. Enough said?!
Random thought #7: Frozen custard is yummy. Very, very yummy. Especially when the weather is warm. But since it isn't yet I suppose I shouldn't think about it, now should I?!
Random thought #8: What's up with calling people "dawg"? Does it mean you are cool if someone calls you "dawg"? Because one of my students called me "Dawg"today and I wasn't barking or anything, so I'll take it as a positive thing?!??!?!??!?! Teenagers are strange!
Random thought #9: I'm tired. I never go to bed early enough. Why not? Who knows. Always something to do. But I have to work on that, I really do. I can't wait for summer vacation and no 5:40 alarm every day.
Random thought #10: I need a treat. That custard talk did it. I actually have some in the freezer (thanks, Dad). Not like I need it. I really don't need it I need it like I need a hole in my head. What I *need* to do is drop this 25 pounds that have been hanging around since child birth. Ok, maybe I'll just have some strawberries while I watch the game.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thank goodness for Puffs Plus!
I have been very lucky this winter - I have not caught the nasty flu bug that went around and around and around. But now I have this cold. And it seems to be never-ending. I'm really no better today than I was on Monday. I've probably gone through 2 boxes of Puffs Plus. My nose won't stop running, it won't un-stuff, and the cough is a nice added bonus, don't you think?! NOT!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Yellow Roses
My husband is the greatest. Today is the 10 year anniversary of when we first met. He stopped at work and surprised me with a dozen yellow roses (along with a card that made me cry). How sweet is that?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Common sense prevails
The people in the 6th district in Milwaukee, WI finally got it right. They did not re-elect their alderman who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months. Boggles my mind that 40% of the voters still cast their vote for him, but luckily for the residents in their district they do not matter.
Maybe it is a good thing that voter turnout was light - the people who voted were informed and had a purpose, and that probably helped defeat him.
Maybe it is a good thing that voter turnout was light - the people who voted were informed and had a purpose, and that probably helped defeat him.
Election Day
And they say only 20% turnout is expected.
I find it funny that so many people whine about the government (local or federal) but they don't vote. Uhhh..DUH!
In our state we even have an alderman running for re-election from jail. And he may well win. Now that is sad.
Go vote already!
I find it funny that so many people whine about the government (local or federal) but they don't vote. Uhhh..DUH!
In our state we even have an alderman running for re-election from jail. And he may well win. Now that is sad.
Go vote already!
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